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The Vision

With the vision of creating a level playing field, FairHire and Arizona Technology Council are joining forces to create a regional framework that allows organizations to tap into the power of workforce diversity.

Embracing methodologies to remove bias from the end-to-end recruitment process the technology industry within the state of Arizona will facilitate equal opportunities for diverse job seekers.

The impact of this framework on a regional scale will broaden the opportunities for innovation and creativity, boosting both institutional financial performances and statewide GDP.

FairHire is the next generation Applicant Tracking System and is known for its ability to tackle bias in the end to end hiring process giving confidence to candidates and credibility to employers.


InclusionAZ Framework


A level playing field for the hiring process is set up for all members under scientific protocols in order to mobilize and attract a diverse talent pool in the state of Arizona.


The framework kicks off from November 2021.
An academic publication on the impact of the framework will be out in Q1 2023.



Every vacancy under this framework will be eligible for FairHire® certification to provide the stamp of confidence to the job applicants.

To sign up, Click here.

Want to learn more?

The Set Up

  • Participating members will be provided with an enterprise version of FairHire Technology at an exclusive price#.
  • Blind hiring practices, under scientific protocols, are carried out delivering the best outcome for the employer and candidates.
  • Experts from ICRIOS will set up the scientific protocol and analyze the data periodically to identify barriers from achieving goals. Click here to know more.
#Contact AZTC for more info.

A vibrant talent ecosystem

An in-depth study of the data points and behavioral patterns will be shared individually with member organizations.
The Framework is designed :

  • to attract high quality diverse talent pool &
  • to support member organizations recruit them without bias;
the combined effect of which will bring economic vibrancy to the AZTC ecosystem.

Exclusive for AZTC Members

Number of Employees